---------------- SiS PXE BootROM ---------------- (1)BootROM types(Monolithic PXE ROM) pxe_m.18 -- Hook Int18 pxe_m.19 -- Hook Int19 pxe_m.bev -- Use BEV (2)How to test PXE ? 1.Environment Request: -You should install NT server(4.0 SP3 or later) -Install TCP/IP and Assign a static IP for server -Ensure the GUEST account is enabled -Get PDK from Intel web site. http://developer.intel.com/ial/WfM/tools/pxepdk20/index.htm 2.Setup DHCP Server: -Add DHCP service on NETWORK PANEL -Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->DHCP Manager to create a range of scope 3.If PXE service and DHCP server installed on the same machine, you MUST add this tag to your server. -Choose DHCP Options->Default to setting 4.Choose NEW PXE Option Tag 5.Assign Option 60 to Global 6.Create the boot files: APITEST.1 and DOSUNDI.1 -Create two 1.44 DOS format boot disk. -Disk1=>Label APITEST Copy HIMEM.SYS, RAMDRIVE.SYS, MORE.COM, and FC.COM into disk1. -Disk2=>Label DOSUNDI Copy MORE.COM into disk2 -Change to \\PDK\system\images\x86pc\undi\APITest and run "mktest.bat" [Note]When system is installing, it will point the directory of NT CD, you should point to "root". If you point to "\i386", system will CANNOT find files. -Change to \\PDK\system\images\x86pc\undi\DOSUNDI and run "mkdos.bat" 7.Config proxy DHCP Server 8.Add Bootserver List 9.Add type 3 and 65535 PS. For the details of PXE setting in NT server, please refer to the PDK and SDK of PXE in Intel web site.